Penis enlargement: Truths and Lies

 Penis enlargement: Truths and Lies

There are plenty of penis enlargement advertisements on the internet, particularly on porn sites. In some cases, they promise to increase the penis up to 5 and 7 cm by means of pills, vacuum pumps, extenders, etc... Doctors Head of the Urology Service at the briefly reviews all these options and the real results that can be expected from each of them.

Let's start by talking about the size of the “normal” penis . Most of the penises that we examine in consultation are totally normal despite the fact that many men consult for it. Modern society, and in particular movies, have related the size of the penis to male virility; In most cases, the size of the flaccid penis ranges between 8 and 13 cm and between 13 and 18 cm when erect . A rule of thumb to approximate the size of the erect penis is to stretch it and approximate its erect size. Penises shorter than 7.5 cm are not common and are therefore Micropenis.

Penis enlargement medicine is work and there is scientific evidence that has proven their effectiveness. At present there are many Medicines which are believed to help in increasing the size of the penis such as Ayurvedic Ritambh Vigor Power Capsules are very effective in making the penis bigger, it is completely Ayurvedic which does not have any negative effect on health.

Ritambh vigor Power

Penis enlargement surgery

The penis extenders that are usually used by surgeons who are dedicated to penile surgery can achieve an Increase Penis Size of the penis of 1-2 cm after prolonged use; We use them primarily to Prevent penile retraction after Peyronie's surgery.

Vacuum pumps

Vacuum pumps allow the penis to be filled with venous blood through a suction process, causing an artificial erection; We also prescribe them after prostate cancer or Peyronie's surgery to create a blood boost. The patient must have a ring placed at the base of the penis to prevent blood loss from the corpora cavernosa. This ring should be removed after 20-30 minutes maximum to avoid significant injury to the penis. The exercises with the vacuum pump have the objective of stretching the penis but they do not achieve a real lengthening of it.

 In summary, no non-surgical technique has been shown to achieve effective lengthening to date.

In relation to surgery, the most used technique is the section of the suspensory ligament of the penis, which is the one that “holds” the penis from the pubic bone to its internal part , which is the one that is inserted into the pelvic region. In many cases, patients also have infrapubic fat that makes liposuction advisable. In reality, the penis is not lengthened, but is “pulled out” of the abdomen . Another technique that can complement this surgery is a scrotoplasty since there are patients who have scrotums with a lot of skin that tends to hide part of the body of the penis.

  Other general measures are trimming pubic hair and exercising since weight loss can be achieved by improving the aesthetic appearance of the abdomen. In short, most of the penis sizes we treat are normal and it is very difficult to achieve real lengthening except with surgery.


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