Hair loss? We tell you the causes and solutions


Sk ayurveda

Now that summer is over and fall is beginning, you may be noticing on your brush, pillow or shower that your hair falls out more than usual. First of all, don't worry! It is quite common and also has a solution. Today we tell you all about hair loss, its causes and the solutions that will help you strengthen it and promote its growth. If this is one of your concerns every time you resume your routine after the holidays, keep reading because this article interests you.


These are the causes of hair loss

There are people who are used to their hair falling out more than necessary at this time of year and do not try too hard to remedy it. But if you are reading this, surely you do not belong to that group. If you are one of those who want to stop the fall, we have several things to tell you. Of course, before you must know what are the causes that cause us to lose hair and be able to put the most appropriate solution. When you finish reading this post, we hope that your doubts are resolved!

On average, people lose about 100 hairs a day, due to the natural process of the hair cycle. This is so because each hair goes through three phases:

Growth or anagen : the hair, attached to the papilla, is born and grows, and can last between 2-8 years.

Transitional or catagen : the hair stops growing and separates from the papilla. It can last between 3-6 weeks. The cellular activity of the hair stops, which is why the end of growth occurs and leads to hair loss.

Regression or telogen : the hair falls out and the follicle rests. This stage can last between 2-3 months.

Once this last stage is finished, the hair cycle begins again. When the hair does not grow back in the follicle, it is when the end of the hair cycle occurs. The result? The well-known problem of hair loss. This hair loss worries men and women equally, although in the case of men it tends to occur more frequently and is more aggressive. On the other hand, hair loss can affect only the scalp or the entire body.


Some of the causes of hair loss are:

Hereditary factors

Hormonal changes

Illness and medications



Eating habits


Do you want to know more about the causes of hair loss? Below we delve a little deeper into each of them.


Hair loss due to hereditary factors

Hair loss may be associated with a family history. In these cases there is a genetic predisposition and it appears gradually. The most characteristic is androgenic alopecia (also called androgenetic alopecia or common baldness), and it is the most common among the male population.


Hormonal changes also affect your hair

Hormones are one of the determining factors of hair loss. For example, during pregnancy, after childbirth or menopause, women can suffer an abnormal loss of hair, making it thinner and weaker. Also if there is a deficit or imbalance in the amount of hormones secreted by the thyroid, hair loss can occur.


If a medication causes hair loss...

If you are taking medication or experiencing an illness and you notice that you are losing density or quantity of hair, consult your doctor so that he or she can prescribe a vitamin complex that strengthens your hair and prevents hair loss. Hair loss is associated with the intake of medications, and can be a side effect of some such as those used to treat cancer patients, heart problems, arthritis or depression, for example.


Does hair fall out in the fall?

It is normal that we lose more hair depending on what months of the year we are in, since it is more common in some seasons than in others. Mainly in autumn, but also in spring, it is the time of year when hair loss occurs the most.


In fact, in autumn the hair falls out naturally: the only thing that happens is that it “changes” more than at any other time.


Hair loss due to stress

Yes, hair falls out when we get stressed. This emotional stress derived from complicated situations causes hair to fall out in large quantities. You may have heard about telogen effluvium , which causes sudden hair loss and takes 2-3 months to manifest. This type of stress is what has caused that after the confinement derived from Covid-19, many women and men have noticed that their hair falls out more than usual.


A poor diet also causes hair loss

The lack of protein, which is the main component of hair, causes our hair to also lose strength, become thinner and, therefore, fall out more than normal. Another dietary factor that affects our hair and weakens it is iron deficiency , which also causes anemia. This problem is very recurrent in women, so it is advisable to always go to the family doctor to make a diagnosis of the causes that cause it.

Eating a certain type of fish could improve a lack of protein and fatty acids. Especially if it is blue fish .


Hair loss solutions

If you have come this far, surely you are wondering “what can I do so that my hair does not fall out?”. There are a large number of solutions that help improve the health of your hair and promote its growth, from the most homemade to the most professional.


Home solutions to prevent hair loss

Some of our recommendations are very simple to carry out day by day, and you can start practicing them today:

Be gentle with your hair when you wash or brush it.

Use a wide-toothed comb to avoid pulling and breaking your hair.

Protects hair from sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light.

Wash your hair whenever you need it, since washing it less does not mean that it will fall out less.

Use a shampoo that is not aggressive with your hair.

Avoid abusing very tense hairstyles, as they can cause traction alopecia.


A good diet to avoid hair loss

Yes, without a doubt, you should follow a correct diet, in which you include foods rich in protein and iron , such as whole grains, meat, black pudding, tuna... In addition, incorporate the sugar from fruits and the vitamin C of foods such as strawberries, kiwis, oranges or tomatoes will help your body to properly absorb those proteins and iron that your hair needs so much to strengthen its hair cycle.


Say goodbye to stress … by the hair!

Carrying out actions that help you channel stress is very beneficial for your hair. You can practice exercise, find your own relaxation spaces or sign up for activities such as yoga, painting or dancing, but above all, be patient and breathe!


What products can I use to stop hair loss?

At Skayurveda you can find a wide variety of anti-fall products that will help you strengthen hair growth. The different lines that we have developed will allow you to opt for the organic option  or the most complete unisex treatment.


When our hair falls out we are tempted to try a large number of home remedies that may not work and even damage our scalp, here we told you about it. The ideal thing to stop hair loss is to start by going to our doctor or talk to doctors and find out the reason why we are losing hair. They will offer us professional solutions that will go through acquiring correct eating habits and using the right products for the needs of our hair.


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